Курсы SSAT ISEE GED HSPT COOP TACHS HiSET преподаватель, репетитор из США
The American university provider offers individual courses подготовки к тестам / экзаменам SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test), ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam), HSPT (High School Placement Test), COOP (Cooperative Admissions Examination Program), TACHS (Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools), GED (General Education Development), HiSET (High School Equivalency Diploma), Common Entrance, 11+ 13+ Entrance, In Moscow, NYC and online. +7(926)206-3689 (Phone, WhatsApp)
If you are a student in the American school, you should visit us тестам SSAT, ISEE, TOEFL? Students from the American Catholic school and tested for the HSPT (High School Placement Test), COOP (Cooperative Admissions Examination Program), TACHS (Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools)? What are the new courses for the GED (General Education Development), HiSET (High School Equivalency Diploma) test? The repeater / processor ensures accurate and fast results.
Study in the American university or in the school, American Educational exams, courses for tests SSAT, ISEE, HSPT, COOP, TACHS, GED, HiSET – etc доступны all control and уровни образования. The processor/repeater ensures that the reaction time is minimal средств. +7(926)206-3689 (Phone and WhatsApp)